Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas
Sometimes it’s a tad bit difficult to think of the perfect gift for your child’s teacher, so I’ve compiled a list of things I think your teachers would love. I taught second-grade last year and remember feeling so loved by my students and their families this time of year. They showed their appreciation in a number of ways but what stood out to me the most was the thoughtfulness behind each gift and treat! Make sure you ask your student/child what their teacher’s hobbies and interests are to get them something specifically catered to them. If you have a preschooler or a little one at home then maybe keep reading for some extra guidance and help lol!
School Supplies
This time of year teachers always wonder where all their school supplies went! We normally refurbish our supply because students begin to lose their crayons, pencils, markers, etc. but most importantly your expo markers run out, you’re running low on tape and staplers, and you find yourself borrowing from your team. Teachers spend their own money on classroom supplies. It’s also allergy season and I remember buying a box of tissues and restocking on hand sanitizer every two weeks lol. So help a teacher out by asking him or her for a list of what they need.
Thoughtful Letters & Gift Cards!
You can never go wrong with gift cards. Almost every teacher I’ve spoken to LOVES getting gift cards and honestly prefer them! Places I recommend gifting your teacher gift cards from include Amazon, Target, Starbucks, Sonic, Chick-Fil-A, Mardel (huge one!!), and Walmart. You can also always gift your teachers a mani-pedi or massage. Those are just the go-to teacher spots from my experience LOL. You can also attach a sweet craft and/or letter from your child. Some of my students did this for me and attached it to my door and it made me sooo happy! One student made me a bracelet and I bawled my eyes out it was so sweet and thoughtful!
Cute Care Package/Teacher Basket
The girls Shouq and Shrouq put this together for me and OMG. I used EVERYTHING and more throughout the school year! It’s honestly one of the best things you can gift someone if you want to go above and beyond!
This cracks me up because since we weren’t allowed any classroom pets, my students treated this plant a sweet friend gifted as a class pet! They took care of it throughout the school year and it came in handy during my Science lessons! Just make sure you get a plant that isn’t too high maintenance.
Cookies!!!! You simply can’t go wrong. I got these made at cookiedesignco. in Arlington for my 3rd grade team in 2019 but a simple google search can show you where you can get custom made cookies in your area! Tiff’s Treats has some cute teacher appreciation cookie sets available all year along that I’m sure your teachers will love. They’re also delicious!
Personalized Gifts
Reminder: yes Teacher Appreciation Week ends Friday but you can show your appreciation all year long! So while it might be too late to place any orders for them to come in this week, you can always gift them during the last week of school! Send your teachers off with something they can remember your child by. A sweet friend got me this for my classroom last year and it meant so much to me. You can find these personalized gifts on Etsy. Here are a few things that caught my eye:
Personalized Coaster (GUYS! Teachers LOVE this!!)
Teacher Tumbler (if there’s one thing a teacher has on her at all times- it’s a tumbler lol)
What NOT to gift
I’m going to let you all in on a secret; there are some gifts teachers do not like. Things they despise getting lol. Trust me on this. I know it might come off as a little ungrateful but this is just from my experience and I want you to save your money! Here goes: lotion, mugs (oof this one gets some worked up), and teddy bears. Random but now you know!